Monday, January 3, 2011

When I was younger I mistook refusing to fix the things in my life that I didn't like with living life with no regrets. I left them as they were, continied to make uncorrected mistakes and just put them out of my mind. When I start to examine these things I have realized that they are regrets indeed. Mostly I regret the state of one relationship that I have worked at sporadically, but never made myself heard.

Recent events have made me accept that our time is limited, to what, no one knows. But the time I let pass is lost forever.

It is so hard to put your heart in danger of being rejected and having your fears confirmed. But to never really try I will never really know. It's been my way to act as though I don't care, to put on a brave face.

I am on the cusp of seizing my moment. I am going to have a moment of truth.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I hope it turns out the very best for you. xxx
